there is absolutely no way of knowing if another much more powerful planetary level warming or cooling event is just around the corner

When alarmists talk of the unprecedented rate of the Earth’s current period of warming they are, without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely talking our of their arses.

Not only has the climate warmed and cooled, either at the same rate or even more rapidly than the ongoing one degree Celsius of warming over 180 odd years, on thousands if not millions of occasions over the course of the Earth’s 4.5 billion years of existence (which, written another way, is about 25 million 180-year periods), but this has occurred plenty of times during the very recent reign of humans, over the last few tens of thousands of years.

The dramatic period known as the Younger Dryas is one of the best examples of such major, recent temperature changes over just decades.

Although definitive proof of what happened during that period has not been established, it seems that either succession of major planetary impacts over a few decades or the rapid unleashing of huge amounts of glacial meltwater (or a mixture of the two) drove the drastic climate changes at the time.

But don’t take our word for it, check out the quotes and graph below, and although we haven’t interviewed them all we are pretty sure that even alarmist ‘scientists’ won’t dispute the existence of the Younger Dryas, nor the fact that humans weren’t responsible for what happened…

While this site doesn’t profess to know all the answers, we can definitively say that, as during the Younger Dryas, the Earth has warmed and cooled quickly on many occasions in the past, and, whether or not you think humans are overwhelmingly responsible for the current warming, it is clear that there is absolutely no way of knowing if another much more powerful planetary level warming or cooling event is just around the corner, ready to blow any (ridiculously hubristic, insignificant and ineffective) human-led attempts to control the Earth’s climate completely out of the water.

Interesting when you put it that way, isn’t it??


“About thirty-five genera of mammals disappear from America, about half of them in a brief window of 500 years, 13,200 to 12,700 years ago, with Clovis hunters occupying the core of that time period. A sudden cooling, the Younger Dryas, descends on the Earth by 12,880 years ago, marking the terminal appearance of many of these animals. Suspected causes of the YD are still contentious. But it signals the end of Clovis and much of the megafauna.”

Doug Peacock – In the Shadow of the Sabertooth: Global Warming, the Origins of the First Americans, and the Terrible Beasts of the Pleistocene 

“A 24,000-year sequence recorded in a marine core from the Santa Barbara Basin, off the coast of California, exhibits the highest peak in biomass burning precisely at the onset of the Younger Dryas. … This anomalously high peak correlates with intense biomass burning documented from the nearby Channel Islands. … The peak also coincides with the extinction of pygmy mammoths on the islands and with the beginning of an apparent 600-800-year gap in the archaeological record, suggesting a sudden collapse in island human populations.”

Graham Hancock – America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization

“The Pleistocene period ended in death. This was no ordinary extinction of a vague geological period which fizzled to an uncertain end. This death was catastrophic and all-inclusive… The large animals that had given the name to the period became extinct. Their death marked the end of the era.
But how did they die? What caused the extinction of forty million animals?”

Frank C. Hibben – The Lost Americans, The Story of the Man They Said Never Was: Old Stone-Age American

“The most extraordinary thing about the Younger Dryas is how quickly it started, whatever its cause turns out to be. It had been believed for some time that it had taken hold in as little as a few centuries, this was later revised down to a few decades, then in 2009 there was a study of mud cores from the bed of Lake Monreagh, County Clare, Ireland. This particular lake was chosen because of the lake sediment extending back as far as the latest Pleistocene and the undisturbed nature of the mud that made it excellent for the preservation of the individual layers. The study found that each layer covered the deposition that took place over a few months and this made possible the determining of the timing and speed of any environmental changes that occurred. The carbon was measured to determine the level of productivity and the oxygen isotopes to determine the temperature of the water. The results that shocked the researchers indicated that both productivity and temperature of the lake had dropped in at most 1-2 years, though possibly in a few months, the time of the sudden change coinciding with the start of the Younger Dryas. “

M. H. Monroe – Australia: The Land Where Time Began
Dryas octopetala in fruit. Photo by Amadej Trnkoczy.